Wednesday, 13 March 2019

DCA - Admission Notice 2019 - 2020

(Residential School and Jr. College)

  1. Defence Career Academy is run by an organization named and styled as “Manav Vikas Kalyan Pratishthan” established in the year 2007. (Situated, located, and occupied 11 Acre Area in natural climate which is pollution free 22 k.m. away from Aurangabad at Shahapur Banjar, Tq. Gangapur, Dist. Aurangabad on New Bombay Highway, Aurangabad to Shirdi Road At “KhojewadiPhata” (13 km. from A.S. Club). Our esteemed Defence Career Academy is establishedin 2007 – 2008 for the purpose of training, educating and preparing the candidates / cadets for the competitive Exam like that of UPSC(NDA-NA) Exam,so that maximum youth of Maharashtra can join the Indian Defence Services as an officer. For preparing the syllabus of concern subjects theoretically and to train the cadets for physical test, educating/preparing the cadets for SSBinterview’s which is being conducted after qualifying the written Examination of UPSC (NDA-NA). So MaharashtrianYouth can join Defence Services &also providing all round education from early age simultaneously with academic education i.e. from 5th class to 12th class.

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Indian Coast Guard

Indian Coast Guard


The Indian Coast Guard [Bharatiya Thatrakshak] was constituted as the fourth armed union of India, on 19 August 1978, under the Coast Guard Act. The force's main function is to protect India's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), covering an area of 2.02 million sq. km, and operates under the effective control of the Ministry of Defense. Coast Guard vessels and aircraft have been assisting the custom authorities in anti-smuggling operations and has effectively served national interests in high-risk areas. They are also used in SAR operations, anti-pollution and other duties in maritime zones. While protection of the high seas is vested with the Indian Navy, the area between 10 and 30 nautical miles from the shore is under the charge of the Coast Guard and from shore to five nautical miles 
with the coastal police as well as the Coast Guard.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Combined Defence Services (C.D.S.)

Combined Defence Services (C.D.S.) 

The CDS examination is conducted by UPSC twice a year in May and October for which the notification is published in the "Employment News" in November and April respectively.